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Winter 2007


EDR 601: Reading Assessment: Secondary

Section A: Five Weekends, Friday 5:00 – 8:00, Sat. 9:00 – 3:20

EC 411


Instructor:      Dr. Nancy Patterson              Phone: 331-6226



Required Text:

Engaging Adolescent Learners: A Guide for Content-Area Teachers by Releah Cossett Lent (Heinemann, 2006)


Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap by Alfred Tatum.


Reading Conversations: Retrospective Miscue Analysis with Struggling Readers, Grades 4-12 by Rita A. Moore and Carol Gilles.


Articles dealing specifically with language learning screening instruments, language processing and expression, phonics and phonemic awareness as it pertains to secondary students, and visual and auditory discrimination assessment tools.



In this course the candidate will have the opportunity to develop and synthesize knowledge of language arts assessment and meaningful instructional methods to use in the diverse classroom.  This course has a large field component in which information learned in class will be implemented into the classroom and evaluated for effectiveness. 



Course examines classroom literacy assessments and differentiated instruction methods useful for meeting the needs of a diverse student population in grades 6-12.   The course content meets the State school code PA 118.


COLLEE OF EDUCATION Mission and Outcomes:

            ·   Vision: Promoting teaching excellence, active scholarship, and social responsibilities. 

            ·    Mission: We develop quality educators to teach, lead, and serve in local and world communities.

            ·    Dispositions and Values:

n     Inquiry (scholarly, reflective, and research-based)

n     Ethics (fair, accurate, and consistent)

n     Collaboration (participatory, inclusive, and supportive)

n     Decision Making (informed, deliberative, and effective)






The Candidate will learn, implement, analyze, and use a variety of assessment tools to include:

            Interest inventories; visual and auditory discrimination tools; language and ELL screening tools; vocabulary acquisition strategies and assessment; writing invitations and assessment,  the role language expression and processing plays in the secondary classroom, and methods for increasing student comprehension and meaningful ways to assess comprehension.


The Candidate will analyze, compare, contrast and use assessment results to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction for all students within an assessment/evaluation/instruction cycle. (IRA 3.3).


The Candidate will plan for the use of a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods for assessing those practices and student understanding.  Their selections will be guided by an evidence-based rationale and accommodate the developmental, cultural, and linguistic differences of their students.  (IRA 2.2).



There are four major assignments for this course.      


Assignment One:  Candidates will respond electronically to all readings


Assignment Two:  Presentation   

            Candidates will work in small groups to prepare a presentation that focuses on a collection of literacy strategies and accompanying assessments that be used in secondary classrooms.  The presentation must be appropriate for a diverse student population and must include elements that address visual literacy, auditory and print processing, multiple genres, and multiple modes of learning.  The presentation must include clear instructions a theoretical foundation that includes a research base.


Assignment Three: 

            Candidates will complete three case studies of three different students in their certification/grade level.  These case studies must include:

                        Cloze test

                        Biography of each student

                        Miscue Analysis

                        Standardized reading and writing assessment performance

                        Writing sample

                        Written analysis of data


Assignment Four:

            Candidates will complete two Literacy Event Reports that explain how they used an engagement strategy or intervention, the results of that strategy or intervention, an explanation of how student learning was assessed, and a reflection on how that strategy or intervention could be revised for future use and for varying student achievement levels.